
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Watch and Pray

The New year is here, a time that is commonly used to reflect upon the year that has passed. What we have done, what we should have done, what we could have done better. I know I have a laundry list of things I failed to accomplish.

We also commonly use this time reflect upon things that occurred in our nation and around the world. After looking back on the events that took place in the middle east (which is more tense than ever) and the unspeakable tragedies happening here in America every day, it is obvious to me, more than ever, that Jesus is coming soon!

What must we do? Jesus told the twelve in Mark 13:33, "Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is." It's time to pray for revival in America. Americans are turning farther and farther from God. God is preparing this nation for a revival greater than any it has ever seen. Greater than Azuza Street or Topeka, Kansas! The Lord is getting ready to pour His spirit out on all flesh!

It's time that we pray that the prodigals come home. Those that the enemy is constantly lying to, telling them that there is no way that God could love them still, after all they have done. We need to show them that love! We must let them know that His love has no bounds. It is unconditional!
There is nothing we could ever do that would make Him love us more or less than he already does! Let's love them like He does!

  • Don't you dare write off that brother or sister that has fallen! Love them!
  • Don't you dare stop praying for that lost family member, the one that everyone says could never be saved! They CAN be saved!
  • Don't you dare give up on that spouse that you think may never come back to God! Love them, you may be their only hope! 
As long as there is life, there is hope. Let's love them like he does!